Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Putty & Paint Makes It What It Ain't

My hands are currently stuck in the claw position as I type this post.  Last weekend we managed to get much closer to the finish line on Brady's room (just in time since the birthday boy turns 4 later this week) and squeeze in a overnight trip to Manhatten despite losing an hour from daylight savings.  Who decided that 2 AM was a good time to spring ahead?  Why not Friday at 4 PM?  #megforpresident.

We finally attached the headboard focal point wood to the wall.  Supplies needed for that = wood glue, liquid nails and a whole lot of prayers.  Somehow nothing broke and it is all in place.

The rest of the weekend was spent spackling, sanding, spackling, sanding, putty'ing, sanding, putty'ing, sanding, caulking, wiping, caulking and wiping.  Seriously my hands have never been dryer.  Everytime i thought we were done and I'd start cleaning up Sean would respackle a nail hole.  I finally starting singing "Let It Go" and he stopped.  Unsure if it was to get me to stop singing or because he realized he was just polishing a turd.  Maybe I should rename the blog to Turd Polishing...

The finishing work is so important to get right.  The key is that after you finish puttying and sanding a seam or spackling and sanding a hole is to rub your hand over it with your eyes shut.  If you can feel where the spackle/putty begins/ends that you need to sand more.  This is my least favorite part.  I'm losing steam and the mess continues to get worse...but the end is in sight.  Unfortunately the view heading into the finish line looks like this.

5 tubes of caulk later we're ready for paint!

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